The crisis does not have a party card
Laurenţiu Sfinteş....and, for a while, those who do have should act as if they don’t.
The “heavy inheritance” invocation does not help it.
The allegation that policymakers are incompetent does not do any good to anyone.
In order to get over the crisis, those who manage it should have clean party files, they do not have to be liked, but to come up with solutions.
A man, from a certain party, writes about another man, from another party, that he cannot manage the crisis situations because his history is uncertain. What is that? He whispered in the church, he was a snitch, he applauded when he should not have? And if all of this was true, what’s the meaning of it in such times?
The crisis which leads to casualties does not ask for behavioural studies, it is not interested in subject’s concord with the verb, does not want to know what one did on what day...which hour... to get qualified for the following phase.
Crises are solved by people who know how to run, to order, to impose, to communicate, to follow, to be understood, to be present. Permanently, where needed, as many times as required.
A crisis is like maths, waiting for the solution. It is neutral, simple, easily understood by everybody.
A crisis is like classical literature, it needs heroes, mobilization, needs war to have peace, needs a happy ending.
A crisis is like history, the survivors, the winners take it all.
A crisis is a public perception wherein communication is essential. The societies are creating themselves for such situations, but coordination, direction and discipline are helping them to stay away from useless loses.
There are many fields now, here, where things seems to work by coincidence, until being turned into a suggestion from others/the European Union on what says in some guidelines, on what some famous counsellors wrote on some papers.
It seems that the time of those who have leading positions does not match with those who need suggestions. Not even literally.
Everyone can improvise, interpret, as orders are just recommendations, but they should be followed exactly as orders are.
No one wants, hopefully, for things to escalate. But this moment is special and we need a decisional clarity to go in line with a social solidarity.
The panting words and indecision of leaders are only coffin nails for those who were affected by this spring pandemic.
It will be, most likely, one of the most beautiful seasons we have witnessed in the past years. But someone has to force us to see it only through a window. And convince us that we can do it, that we will have enough resources, that life will not get stuck at this phase.
These may only be circumstantial leaders who will not make it until the following period, when criteria will be different: the file, eyes’ colour or the party card.
We will not be the first to give them diplomas and tell them to leave. Just as happened with Churchill after saving Great Britain.
But on Damascus’ path, we do not need prophets, but leaders to be firm when making decisions.
Translated by Andreea Soare