03 July 2018

Wednesday- plenum reunited for the leading of the EIS. Dragnea: Vlase has universal support

Petriana Condrut

Bucharest, Mediafax: on Wednesday will take place the reunited plenum for the election of the EIS leading, the nominalization made by the President Klaus Iohannis being Gabriel Vlase. The ALDE president, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, announced that Vlase has the full support of PSD-ALDE.

Image source: Mediafax

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”The meeting will be tomorrow, at 2 pm and we will vote regarding the nominalization made by the President Klaus Iohannis, upon the SIE leading, as well as other things, but less important. We will resume the report regarding the ISPA (Independent Service for Protection and Anticorruption) dissolving”, said Calin Popescu Tariceanu.

Asked if he has the support of PSD-ALDE, Tariceanu confirmed.

Also, the PSD president, Liviu Dragnea, declared:” Mr. Vlase has universal support”. 

PSD depute, Gabriel Vlase, received on Monday a positive note for his role as a leader for the External Informational Services, in the control committee of EIS.

The president Klaus Iohannis transmitted on 14 of June a letter to the presidents of the two Parliament Houses, in which he proposed Petru-Gabriel Vlase as a leader of the External Informational Services.